Thursday, August 28, 2008

[8-28-08] ICE Cycle 3, day 2

     Well, time flies when you're diagnosing computer problems. In an attempt to boost my gaming situation here at the hospital, I acquired an HD (with component video) to usb device. This was so that I could hook up my xbox 360 to my laptop.
     After hours and hours of work, I actually managed to get it to work on my system (apparently it fails in xp sp3), but I managed to hack around that. To my dismay, the video quality was poor and laggy. Impossible to play games with. After further research, I discovered that it is currently impossible to do what I was trying to do -- no product is available (in HD).
     Oh well, I guess I've got to bring my lcd screen to Stanford. In trying to minimize my situation, I made things terribly complicated. No xbox on lappy.

     And that's been my day so far. No chemo yet -- they plan to start around 2pm, so maybe I'll get some chemo before midnight this time. I'm just a tad frustrated...

     So my white blood count is at 1.6, and my nurse told me to wash my hands more, and wear a protective mask around the hospital and whatnot. I've never had it before, but it sure explains the soreness around my throat -- annoyingly painful! Just to illustrate the way things have been going around here, I asked for some of that mouthwash at 11, and received it at 8:30pm. The order for chemo was processed by 12, and I started receiving hydration for that around 9:30pm, then the chemo two hours later. Calm down Austin, it will get better.
     They have a bunch of "traveling nurses" that move from one hospital to the next. Apparently, the chemo certification is out of style. That was the cause of my delay -- no chemo nurses available. As for the mouthwash, I chalk it down to inefficiency or negligence. And they actually *expect* you to turn in all your own prescriptions that your brought?!?! Ha! My Vicodin is well stashed away -- if I get some severe pain, I don't want to wait 8 hours to get relief!

     My hemoglobin is slowly descending -- right now it is at 11. That explains why I still have some energy -- I know from experience that I turn into a anemic sloth at around a hemoglobin level of 10.

     Lunch is right on time, five till one. I guess it makes since. Since most cancer patients probably abhor food right now, it benefits everyone else to serve us last. Then you've got the young buck with Hodgkin's to screw everything up.

     Headache, headache, headache... This is the fourth day in a row that I've had to deal with an annoying headache. If I didn't know any better, I would say that I'm stressed! But that's just not true. I should be, but I'm not. Anyhow, maybe if I score some coffee things will get better. Apparently, it dilates the blood vessels on your head or something.

     On the topic of "magic mouthwash." Let it be known that I feel apprehension in describing a perfectly proven form of Western medicine in a manner fit for mystical treatment. Every time I say, "Please, could you get me some of that numbing mouthwash?" The nurse says, "Oh, the magic mouthwash. Sure thing." I've tried several times. Sometimes they get confused if I describe it in any other term.
     Accordingly, I have been forced to relent. Still, a bit of my soul is chipped away each time I say the term "magic."

     On another note, the big boss (oncology manager) came to visit me to ask me if I was being cared for properly. Mwa ha ha I got to relate my horror story about waiting 8 hours for relief medication, and 9 hours for chemo. It felt good.

     I also wanted to say a few words about my internet friend Bekah. She just completed a bone marrow transplant, and found out a few days ago that the treatment has failed. The remaining options are not as promising. That sucks. In a way, I feel like we're peers; I kinda look up to her. I hope for the best.


Liz said...

Hope your day gets better! Let me know if you want me to bring anything caffeinated tonight ...

Austin said...

What would I do without you Liz??

Anonymous said...

greg here.. is there any way to change the USB to firewire for a faster transfer rate on that HD..? I use and external hard drive on my PS3 and I had to get a firewire case to handle the transfer rate. Same thing on my PC for some reason Quicktime files wouldn't play from an external drive to the PC unless I firewired it..I guess it would depend on what kind of output the HD would offer I guess too.. yeah?
I hope all gets better fast !
your friend, Greg

Veronica said...

I'm glad you mentioned Bekah - I was wondering if you'd caught up with her news? It must be hard to hear that her SCT has failed just as you're putting all of your energy to enter the SCT process - but just remember that everyone's different and has different responses to all the treatment that's thrown your way.
Bekah is an incredible young woman and even more incredible in person - she'll find a way through this......
Glad you got to vent to the oncology Brits aren't too good at complaining, but Wullie got better at it, especially when in hospital and with the aid of steroids :p

Hope the rest of your ICE cycle continues uneventfully, giving you nothing to complain about........Vx

Anonymous said...

So, don't beleive in magic mouthwash, eh? Well here's a test.

Look into the cap. If you see a Rune of Numbing (Dur. 3h) then it's magic.

On a TOTALLY unrelated note, I just started up World of Warcraft.