Monday, August 25, 2008

[8-25-08] Pet-CT Scan

     I just returned from my third Pet-CT scan! I'll just reiterate: This one is especially important because it determines whether I will be able to go to Stanford for their BMT program. There better be some progress! Naturally, I am sitting on the edge of my seat... metaphorically speaking. I find out the results tomorrow, and the next step of the big plan. That'll be an important day.

     The scan went well. Liz and I set two alarms because we were paranoid that something might make us miss this critical appointment, and I arrived there way early -- which was fine, because I got to amuse myself with my new blue Nintendo DS. The nurse checked my blood sugar level and asked me: "Did you have dessert last night?" Knowing that I was not supposed to eat or drink in the past 8 hours, I made it a point to emphasize that I obeyed the rules, and, in addition, did not have any dessert. She then asked me what I ate the night before. I told her, "Extremely spicy Mandarin Beef." Anyhow, the level was a tad high, but within acceptable range.
     She then injected the radioactive sugar and I asked her whether it was made at Lawrence Livermore Labs (since they have a cyclotron there). Apparently, everyone, including Livermore Labs, gets their Pet-CT sugar from a specialized place in Gilroy that makes nothing else.
     Then, I was to sit back and relax in this dark, and small room with an extremely comfy recliner. I fell asleep quickly, and had dreams where I was waiting in a dark Pet-CT room on a comfy recliner... except, the lights in the room were on and I didn't turn them on... I was panicking. I could turn them off, but then I would have to move. But, if I didn't turn them off, the nurse would come back and yell at me for turning them on in the first place. I would then wake up, fall asleep again, and have variations of the same dream.
     Then, after I was good and asleep, the nurse woke me up and told me to climb in the machine. A few minutes after the scan started, I fell asleep again. I mean, you can't wake someone up in deep REM and expect them to remain awake as you instruct them to lie down and remain perfectly still for 25 minutes. It's just not going to happen. Then problem was that there was microphones in the machine, so that the operator can talk to the patient. That was a problem because I caught myself snoring several times. Yes, I was snoring in the Pet-CT machine. The poor nurse... she probably had to put me on mute.
     Oh, and after the scan, the nurse asked me about my occupation. I told her I was a student, and she asked me when the fall semester started. I didn't realize it until then, but it was today. That kind of bummed me out.
     Anyhow... that's it for the scan. We'll find out the results tomorrow.

     Now, I know you all are just begging to elaborate further on my Nintendo DS. So, to appease the masses, I will do so now... It is super-awesome! I haven't been as excited about a toy like this for years now. The funny part is, I wasn't too excited about it as I purchased it -- I had to play it a bit to really appreciate it.
     (By the way, for the sake of record, Liz made me do it. So, I'm completely guilt-free for spending money on a toy.) :)
     I even got "Guitar Hero" for the DS -- which requires a strange little fretboard attachment. Then you take this stylus/pick and strum along to the music on the video game screen -- super cool.
     So, consider myself suitable distracted from all sorts of worries. I find comfort in the fact that, no matter where I am, I have complete freedom from boredom. Plus, having that thing in the hospital bed will help tremendously.

     Oh, and one last thing before I go... Last night, I had a huge craving for something spicy! Maybe it's the chemo; maybe it's my taste buds losing sensitivity. Anyhow, we went for Chinese, and I asked them to make my Mandarin beef extra spicy. They failed: it was pretty mild. But, they did include a bowl of pure Chinese pepper seed sauce. I dumped the whole thing on the beef and stirred it in. When the waiter returned, he was flabbergasted: "You put the whole thing in?!" It was awesome.
     As I ate more and more, the beef got hotter and hotter. Eventually, I reached painfully hot. It was great, and exactly what I wanted. I'm not usually into spicy foods, nor is my tolerance exemplary. Maybe it is the chemo.


Liz said...

Just accepting blame for making you buy the DS. Also, accepting credit for how much you like it. ;)

Oleswife said...

I just finished playing Eternal Sonata on the 360. T.J. hated the preachy speaking and the history lessons (most of which I skipped). I really enjoyed playing this game. The plot is that Chopan is on his death bed and dreams of everything and everyone in the game. Everyone has musical names IE: Polka, Allegretto, Beat, March, Salsa etc. You search around for scores to play with select people. Anyway T.J. thought it was stupid but I really enjoyed it. I know - even Grandmothers can play video games! So you get it honestly!

Love You!


Adva Ahava said...

Mad props to Liz for "forcing" you to buy yourself a toy. It sounds awesome!

Also, I love the story about falling asleep during the scan. This blog shows me again and again that even cancer can be funny <33

Anonymous said...

Okay, now Austin, this is important.

If you haven't already... Get Final Fantasy IV.

They re-released it on the DS and it's really good. They added voice acting on important scenes and the whole thing was done in 3D.

Now, if you want to play FFIV but not in 3D, you can buy the port they made for the GameBoy Advance(Those work on the DS too).

Sorry if I sound bossy, but I've been reccomending it to everyone and only a few people have bought it.

Your DS brother (And actual brother)

Veronica said...

Ha - Blue DS?? I have a PINK one!! the DS got me through Wullie's SCT as he was drugged up for a good while and he was not exactly scintillating company - so I just got on with playing instead (oh, and being comforting and supportive although the drugs made him forget that part!! :p)

Waiting for your results along with you.......and well done for sleeping in the to grab those zzzzs wherever and whenever you can!! :).........Vx

Austin said...

Final Fantasy IV? I already beat that game for the SNES. Why play the same game twice?

Austin said...

Heh, Liz told me to get the pink DS to match my phone... yes, I have a pink phone (much to the amusement of my niece)... 'tis a long story.

It'll be awesome. My room at Stanford will be a "gaming lab." I'll have the xbox 360, the DS, and more games than I can shake a stick at. Freedom for boredom and all that :P

Veronica said...

Please tell me you have a Wii as well? No respecting gamer can be without a Wii!!

Bet your room will be a favourite with the nurses!.......Vx

Anonymous said...

Why play again? It's FUN! I've played through most the FF series at least twice (I've played FFVI 4 times).

I just like re-playing them. It's like reading a good book more than once.


Oleswife said...

We have a Wii and love it! We also have Play Station 2, Nintendo cube, Super Nintendo, 2 PSPs, 1 DS and of course 4 computers. Adam has two, T.J. has one and Dad has one - I get to use Dad's computer.

Austin said...

Hmmm.... I don't have a Wii, but I'm somewhat biased against any Nintendo console since the 64. Maybe I should re-evaluate that.

Anonymous said...

Mom left out our SNES, GBC, GBA, 64, PSI, Xbox, and Xbox 360.

And by the way, 360 > Wii. By a lot.


Olus Jay said...

How could a gaming system named "Whee" not be fun??

I'll advise you to check in with TJ's recommendations. He knows his stuff.