Monday, August 4, 2008

[8-04-08] Procrastination.

     I think perhaps this past week of chemo has stripped me of all rational thought. I'm tired, and I don't want to finish this dreadful term paper. I'm not going to school next semester. In fact, I'm barely going to school now. What am I moving toward? Where am I going? What will happen? What's the point? Lack of motivation? You bet.

     But, the key is to not over think... not to dwell.

In the spoken word of an obscure downtempo EP:

"Keep on doing what you're doing... gotta keep moving."
"Keep on doing what you're doing... gotta keep moving."
"Keep on doing what you're doing... gotta keep moving."

Back to the paper.

     Stupid noisy neighbors... Grr... I miss my quiet hospital bed. Just for once, I'd like a sound night's of sleep.


Anonymous said...


Maybe it runs in the family or something. For me, it even spreads into stuff I WNAT to do.

I guess there's little else I can do other than wish you luck on the paper...

So yeah... Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Whoops... uh, typo.

Can you guess which word?

Austin said...

Thanks TJ!

But *shhhh* -- we all know I'm supposed to be setting a good example. I certainly did not go out drinking instead of working on my term paper! (See blog entry for late July) :P

Mwa ha ha.

But, alas, I must also say: "Do your schoolwork, TJ!"

Olus Jay said...

I concur - I WNAT you to do your schoolwork, TJ.

- Dad

(Apologies for using your blog to state the obvious)

Oleswife said...

Once your brother reaches 18 you no longer have to be a good role model. This is written in the official Parent's Handbook that nobody received when they have a baby.


Austin said...

So I can tell TJ to do his homework *without* being a role-model?

In other words, "Do as I say, not as I do?"


j/k Teej

Oleswife said...

You've got it!