Tuesday, August 5, 2008

[8-05-08] Wednesday Oncology Appt.

     Good news! I have an appointment with Dr. Cecchi on Wednesday at 2:45pm (labs) and 3:30pm (doc). So, my evil plans for more ICE treatment on the 13th are still in-place. Mwa ha ha. Er, ok, I'm still half asleep.
     Becky had me agree to a quick lab check-up on Monday the 11th before re-admit.

     On a side note, this whole "get the ICE treatment done every two weeks" thing makes me feel like I have some power in all of this, ya know? Like I'm cheating the system. The secret they don't tell you in school: cheaters win. :P

     Mwa, oh yeah. Time to turn in my completely terri...I mean, my complete term paper!

     More good news! After consulting with my school's social services person, we have outlined a plan that will enable me to have school insurance for the Fall and get a tuition refund! The downside to this is that I will be ineligible for any financial aid whatsoever for Fall 09. Still, things are looking good today!

     On the school front: I talked to my professor, and got everything worked out. It was a bit scary because I half expected him to say, "Well, you might as well just drop the class..." But he worked with me, and outlined a pretty rigorous schedule (since next Tuesday will be my final day of class). Final Presentation: This Thursday. Final Paper: Next Tuesday. So at least I should be busy this next week!

Currently Eating: A giant heap of blackberry frozen yogurt.


Liz said...

That's great news! :)

Oleswife said...

Great news! I see that you are eating too! How are you feeling? Still a lot of nausia? Love you,

Austin said...

Feeling good! Nausea is completely gone, or at least handled by meds. And I thought my energy would be dwindling, but, so far, a few naps solve everything.

Piece o cake.

Lova ya

Oleswife said...