Thursday, August 7, 2008

[8-07-08] Life... is good!

     I'm not implying causality or anything, but ever since this Hodgkin's thingy, my quality of life seems to have gone up. Interesting how that works, isn't it?

     Take, for example, last night. I had a huge final presentation today that had been bumped up a week early so I could stop attending class early (due to hospitalization on 13th). Was I diligently cramming the material before the impending doom? Nope - I was hanging out with Liz until late at night. Priorities!
     Then, I calmly woke up at 5:00am the next morning, had a coffee, and got to work. Calmly I plugged along, not sweating the small stuff, just enjoying the act of creation. In short, I was in the flow. Had I been stressed, concerned about my grade, or anything else, my efforts would have been frantic, and disheveled. Most importantly, it wouldn't be fun anymore. Somehow, I am slowly learning how to enjoy things a bit more -- and that's making all the difference in the world.
     I got an A- (my first non-hybrid grade!) on my final 10min presentation, did a great job, and had a good time doing it. I'm willing to wager that, had I studied and crammed all night before, and failed to have fun, that I would've gotten a considerably lesser score.

     Then it all comes full circle: is this new perspective a result of the Hodgkin's? Perhaps so. Silver lining indeed. Just for argument's sake, let's take it one step further...

     To my friends and family, let me first apologize a bit... I know that me having this disease is a terrible pain and burden to you all; I don't want you to think that I'm belittling that by talking about this "silver lining." But there are some positives...

     Come Tuesday, I'm out of school! Normally, this would have me in a frenzy. But now that I think about it, it is a true and genuine vacation. For once in my life, I don't have to worry about future career ambitions, or getting good grades for grad schools, or how I'm wasting away my life. All that is put aside. Just enjoy.
     Oh, and what people think? If they're not my friends and family, who cares? Make stupid jokes to random strangers. Assert yourself! Be silly!
     And friends and family, most of all! It may not be PC to say, but this whole thing has brought us together! TJ, Mom, and Dad are leaving fun little comments on my blog; we're more connected now. Liz's mom is working in tandem with Barbara, and sending me best wishes with a quilt. And Liz, where just the mention makes me smile... Jen, Dan, and the kids are all being there, together, to do what they can. Taunte Laurie, Taunte Theresa, my aunts, my cousins, all keeping in touch and wishing me well. I've never felt so connected in my life! Thank you all.

     So hell yeah, I'm happy! And if it helps, consider me getting chemo with a smile on my face -- because I'll be wearing one. "Nothing like a little Cisplatin in the morning to take the edge off."


Anonymous said...

Ok, I may be pregnant but this post made me cry, (a good cry). I love that you see the silver lining and are appreciative of the good in your life. No matter how shitty life can get there is always a beautiful silver lining that we either choose to appreciate or ignore. You have totally made my day.
I love you.

Austin said...

I'm glad you see the lining too, Jen.

I love you too.

Veronica said...


I want some of what you're've taken the phrase 'High on Life' to a new level........ENJOY!

And congrats on your A- it wrong to be proud of someone I've never met??

Glad you're happy.........Hodge doesn't stand a chance.......Vx

Skymist said...

Under fire, people of high character shine. Everyone can see it's so, and you get the love, admiration, and respect you deserve. If you were not my son, on meeting you I would think, "I wish I had a son like that." So I feel very fortunate.

Liz said...

I don't know if you realize how much you keep the rest of us focused on the silver lining. And how important that is. I love you and I think you're the best person I know.

Anonymous said...

Proud Mom writing here :) That is one of the things that I love about you... your ability to see the silver lining. I think that every hard time I have ever lived through had benefited me in the long run. After all, without the lows you don't appreciate the highs. Love you bunches! Mom

Anonymous said...

Dude! I don't believe it!

...I got BLURBED!

Have a good vacation Austin. Who knows, I might be able to visit you soon.


Anonymous said...

Hey Austin! it's Adam. I didn't know I could leave comments here! But yeah, I am glad to see that you are getting the best of this experience. I kind of found it ironic that you get out of school Tuesday, but thats the same day I start =( I'll be sure to keep in touch more!

Adva Ahava said...

This is wonderful. You are wonderful. I'm proud of you.
- H

Austin said...

Wow. You all just proved my point :P

With all you around, how can I not be happy?

More like there's a little cloud lining in my silver.