Friday, October 3, 2008

[10-03-08] Apheresis

     I am currently being apheresicized at Stanford; it is a fascinating process. The machines (apheresicizometers) look like they were made in the 50's -- they are huge clunky things with large spinning knobs; the bottom half looks like a freezer. My nurse says that my apheresization (ok, I'll stop now) should take about three hours.

     Anyhow, the catheter is working great! Joy! So, the surgery was definitely worth it! And it looks like I'll be able to sleep on my side again. Joy, Joy! And after they've collected enough cells, I will no longer need to get labs done or inject Neupogen! Also, I will get 2 units of bloooooooooooood today! Joy, joy, joy!
     It's the little things, folks; the beaten dog analogy. For example, earlier I thought to myself: "This is great! My back isn't killing me!"

     Oy, they gave me Benadryl for the pre-transfusion. So I need to nap now.


1 comment:

Veronica said...

As the non-patient - the apheresis machine was the most fascinating part of this journey :) It was a quiet day the day Wullie had his cells collected and the nurse let me see how she monitored the blood and made sure they were collecting stem cells and not other parts of the blood - absolutely incredible!!

Hope collection goes quickly and smoothly and you get enough in one go to proceed to SCT...........Vx