Wednesday, October 15, 2008

[10-15-08] Birthday Day

     Today I did nothing... it was all I had hoped it would be. Nothing by conventional standards, that is: I played my new video game and read a little fantasy fiction.
     In other words, I've turned into a slacker. It's a bit annoying, in fact. A few days ago, I sat in front of my computer with the intent to learn something and progress in skills essential to my career path. I couldn't motivate myself to do so.
     Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to delay gratification for future goals. In my circumstances... well, I'd rather wait for a job interview before I buy a new business suit. That money could be used for fun, instead!

     Regardless, I am becoming more adept at being a slacker. Sounds strange, huh? I mean, how hard is it to be lazy? Actually, it was quite distressing at first. I felt this huge pressure to accomplish things. Not to mention the enormous guilt attached to myself when I fail to accomplish those things. Then, there's the conquest of boredom: one needs to keep oneself constantly entertained... all those extra hours of the day.
     I remember this time, after finals, when I found myself scraping off sticker adhesive off of my dorm door. I was moving out and I had to leave the dorm in pristine condition. However, I was doing this immediately after my last final (In perhaps my most difficult set of finals ever). I recall setting my backpack next to my door and truly enjoying removing that adhesive... with a blissful sense of freedom.

     My point is that anything can seem fun when you've spent 100% of your time on work. I didn't have time to eat or socialize or anything during those finals.
     Now, with all the spare time in the world, the equation works in reverse. One becomes extra picky about the quality of the television shows that the watch, the video games that they play, or the books that they read -- with more supply, comes higher standards.

     So conquering boredom can be difficult at times.

     Fortunately, I've encountered an exception book to read and an exception game to play. So I'm good... for now :P
     But, of course, I'm not going to hole myself up! Wednesdays aren't opportune for birthday celebrations -- there'll be fun on Saturday.


Anonymous said...

Good...GOOD... (In the voice of the emporer in Star Wars)

Well, we've got another slacker. Nice to have you on the winning team! (Or at least the one that isn't playing)

Sorry I missed my chance but "Happy Belated Birthday!" Or should that be Belated Happy Birthday? Oh well, it hardly matters.

But it's kinda odd that you would mention losing the urge to accomplish, because I'm just starting to get one. Yesterday a new game came out for the DS called "My Japanese Coach" It's the latest in a long line of language games. Anyway, I'm just going out to pick it up now.

And one last thing before I finish, WHAT'S THE NAME OF THE BOOK?!? As far as I can tell we have similar taste in books and I just finished what was left of my "To Read" pile.

So....yeah... Happy Birthday.


Austin said...

Mistborn series, by Brandon Sanderson. Amazing Book :P

Liz said...

I'm glad you had the laid-back day you wanted! Looking forward to Saturday ... :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Austin - I hope this comment will get to you. Did you get the email I sent on your BD? Just talked to your mom and she said you are coming there tonight. Yea. You know all our prayers are there for you. Keep up that wonderful attitude, I'm so proud of you. Love you always, Nana