Wednesday, October 29, 2008

[10-29-08] Day of Rest (Day -5)

     It's funny how they call non-chemo days: "day of rest" -- every day is a day of rest. You get bags and bags and bags of medicine each and every day, except add a few bags for those chemo days. Oh well, maybe if I were adversely effected by the chemo a bit more I'd have a different idea. I love tempting fate. :P

     I'm still in a double room -- they told me that they'd move me in a single when my counts were too low. Darn it! I really want one of those exercise bikes, but there's no room for one in a double room. And, of course, once my counts are down, would I really be up for a bike ride?
     Hmm... If you can ride the bike, then your counts aren't down and you don't need an isolation room. If your counts are down, then you can get a single room to ride the bike, but you'd be too tired to ride the bike. Almost a catch-22.

     So, here's my schedule until transplant:
     Day -5: Day of Rest
     Day -4: Whopping dose of VP-16
     Day -3: Day of rest
     Day -2: Whopping dose of my dreaded nemesis: Cytoxan! Noooo
     Day -1: Day of Rest
     Day 0: Transplant (followed by 2-3 weeks of recovery)

     The interesting thing is that my roommate seems to be going through (almost) the same regimen (without the Gemcitabine & Navelbine). Today he gets his transplant, and the day after he is discharged! Is he getting lower doses that me? Is his insurance inferior? I know G&N were pretty hardcore, but not enough to justify an extra 2-3 weeks for recovery!
     He does have non-hodgkin's lymphoma -- maybe that's different.

     On another note, I had BACON today! So I must be feeling better. Darn. I want that bike! :P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad that you are still feeling so well. It's nice when we something turns out to be easier than expected. I hope that the trend continues.

Rock and hard place regarding the private room.

I wish you would post a photo on your blog so we can see who Austin really is. A BC (before cancer) photo would be nice.