Friday, October 31, 2008

[10-31-08] A Long Night...

     That was the hardest night of my life.
   The Clock: The clock is my enemy. I am aware that time will help cure this infection, but how much time? Each moment sounds with a resounding tick... time is moving way to slow.
   The FeverMakes it so you cant function, or do anything. Also causes headaches, pain behind the eyes, and persistent neck strain.
   The Neck Pain: The most annoying. Since I have so many hundreds of wires coming out of me, I am pretty much immobilized... I can only lie on my back. When my neck hurts, I'm out of luck!
   The Nausea: For some reason, my nausea came quick and violently. It was actually a nice thing, in a way. Of course, vomiting uncontrollably is no picnic, but the ativan always follows. That gives me a brief respite from neck pain, and a moment of blissful sleep.
   The Shivers: Terrible, unrelenting shivers... All your muscles get tired simultaneously. However, the nurse wouldn't let me cover myself with blankets -- I needed to get cold. So the strategy was to blow a fan on my, get me nice and cold, then dope me up with morphine or demerol so that I wouldn't shiver. It worked pretty well.

     Still, it was a long night.

     Thanks for all your support, but now I'm getting really tired again -- back so sleep!


Anonymous said...


I'm mom on the hodgkins forum and from Elizabethtown Ky. Sure glad the longest night of your life is over. I'm praying that it's all uphill from here.

Thinking of you,
Jane Owen

Liz said...

So glad you're doing better! I'm thinking about you all the time and I'll see you soon.

Oleswife said...

Jane, I am Austin's mom, Marie and I live in Louisville, KY! Small world.

Anonymous said...

I think of you all the time. I wish I could do something, anything to help. I'll just send my love for now...

Anonymous said...

Long night indeed. I am hoping that Friday night was easier and you are resting now.

liz's mom said...

Can you try popsicles for Austin?
(Spoon feed a little at at time).

Also, shame on them for not having a sign up on the door re: masks.
Go ahead and tape up your own sign; if they give you any grief, page the infectious disease fellow on call. Another good resource is the patient representative at the hospital.

Sending lots of prayers your way.

Austin said...

The strange thing is that there is a sign on the door re: masks and gowns. The problem, there is a sign on EVERY door and all patients don't require them. I am satisfied that they visitors of the other patient are wearing masks when they come in.

Austin has popsicles available and I am getting ready to make him shaved ice.
