Thursday, November 27, 2008

[11-27-08] Turkey Day!

     I had beers last night... it was good. My rebelliousness and desire for normalcy has overruled my obedience, caution, and a little bit of my prudence. But that's OK -- cause I had beers last night, and it was good!
     Also, Dan reported that the SF Oncology Group had no problem with a few beers a few days after the end of chemo. So I'm not really being foolish.
     The truth is: I'm aware of my body and it's limitations, blah, blah, blah... I mean, today I went to storage and loaded all of my possessions into a truck... I think that demonstration of stamina and strength means something.

     Anyhow, the big story is that I am HOME! Yup, right now, I am clicking away on my computer as Liz is cooking me a Thanksgiving dinner at our house in Berkeley! How awesome is that?
     Moving in on Thanksgiving Day... what a way to feel at home. I'm happy :)

     Anyhow, I have to prepare the corn now! Happy Turkey Day, everyone!


Anonymous said...

There's no place like home.

Happy Thanksgiving!

- Ole

Anonymous said...

Yay! Happy thanksgiving!

I dunno if dad told you, but since mom was out of town he, Adam, and I were able to have Steaksgiving.

It was quite delicious. We should do that every year.


Anonymous said...

Good Times! A few beers never hurt anyone. Enjoy.

Skymist said...

I am so happy to see you enjoying life again. I should be uncontagious in a few days, and then I want to visit!

Skymist said...

I was doing some reading of Hodgkins Blogs, and found an entry of a woman who, 2 weeks after her first ABVD treatment, went to the ER for extreme pain, abdominal in this case, and received Delaudid. This sounds a lot like your two experiences with sudden unexplained paid after the start of chemo - particularly the first time, with the sternum pain. See her entry here. I think there is an effect which is connected with the early tumor shrinkage which can lead to severe sudden pain. Not something doctors seem to be aware of.