Tuesday, November 11, 2008

[11-11-08] Mourn the Eyebrows (Day +8)

     Here's my counts:
       WBC: 0.2 (0.1 yesterday)
       Hematocrit: 26.5 (29.2 yesterday): 2 Units Blood Later
       Platelets: 9,000 (18,000 yesterday): Platelet Transfusion Later
       Hemoglobin: 9.2 (10.5 yesterday)

     Yesterday, to my delight, I had discovered that my hair was falling out again. I was delighted, of course, because it triggered the whole "chemo is working because..." emotion. It wasn't a slow loss, either -- the tiny blond hairs that had started to grow back were coming out in clumps. Following tradition, I proceeded to shave with my fingers (pinching).
     Today, I was shocked to discover that I had no eyebrows. I don't know why I wasn't prepared for this: I recognized that the eyebrows were thinning, but I didn't think they'd all disappear entirely overnight! Oh well, they are gone.
     I always said that I would have the most difficulty losing the eyebrow hair. This is mainly because it is an unavoidable cancer giveaway. Having a bald head can simply be a fashion statement; no one intentionally shaves their eyebrows.
     So, now, I can't simply pretend that I don't have cancer when I'm out in public. It's funny though... now that I've been through so many painful, embarassing, or humiliating situations... I could really care less about not having any eyebrows.

Barbara just arrived, so I'm gonna hang out instead of ranting further!

P.S. I just realized -- no eyebrows indicated that I went through cancer treatment... As of now, there's a good chance I no longer have cancer. That's a good thought.


Liz said...

Definitely a good thought. Also -- should we be encouraged that the WBC went up a tiny bit?

Austin said...

Doc says "no." The 0.1 to 0.2 jump is probably just measurement fluctuation.

Veronica said...

Yup - the eyebrows are tough :(

It's amazing how much they define a person's face - but they grow back incredibly quickly, so you won't be without them for long.

Still sounds like you're doing great - you're far more compus mentus than Wullie was at this stage, but that's us wimpy Scots for you........:o)


Anonymous said...


You are coming out of the fog. I can see your typical personality and writing style reappearing.

Have a restful Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Mom and Dad are going to be mad when they read this since I was "Forbidden" to speak of it, but I figure if it gets a laugh out of you I'll be in the clear.

I couldn't read your post without thinking of a little incident a few years back. See, Adam suddenly got the idea in his head that his eyebrows were entirely too bushy. So he had the brilliant idea to trim them. With a razor.

After about two seconds of that he realized exactly how dumb that idea was and stopped shaving half-way through the first eyebrow. So, as a result, for the next week or so he was walking around with One and a half eyebrows.

Hope you laughed, otherwise I might be in trouble (So to everyone else who read this, mum's the word).


Anonymous said...

No unibrow worries.

Unknown said...

You live in California. Be a man and go buy a sharpie so you can rock the '90s Chola Style. I think the '90s are retro now.