Sunday, November 23, 2008

[11-23-08] Almost Normal

     Blog. Blog, blog blog, blog blog blog blog. Blog? Blog.

     Good news! I get to leave the Stanford area on Tuesday! Apparently, my counts and whatnot are so good that I only need monitoring or whatever for one week instead of two. So I get to see my family and new home in Berkeley quite a lot sooner than anticipated!
     In addition, typically patients that have graduated from the "BMT ward" to "Cancer Clinic" no longer have to wear their masks in most situations. So, I could automatically infer that I will no longer have to wear my mask after Tuesday (which I will).

     More good news! The mouth pain has gotten considerably better and I am capable of prolonged conversation and the careful consumption of solid foods! Unfortunately, most solid foods taste terrible! Chemo has not affected my taste buds in the past, but, at present, it is ridiculous! In addition, my skin is healing and my energy levels are steadily rising. Also, sleep is getting better and my quality of life is improving rapidly.

     In other words, things are great and getting better. It looks like I've officially survived the BMT. Now, the question of radiation...

     Bah, I'll think of that later... As for now, I'm going to watch a bunch of movies with Liz until the new episode of 24 comes out. :P


Anonymous said...

Fantastic update Austin! You are doing so well. I look forward to more good news as you continue to heal.

Enjoy your movies and 24.

Veronica said...


Anonymous said...

All right! Good to hear!

And if you're looking for a movie, might I suggest Tropic Thunder? Dad and I just watched it on Blu-ray and found it quite hilarious.

But yeah, it's great that you're doing better.