Sunday, November 9, 2008

[11-09-08] Fentanyl Conspiracy (Day +6)

     It's no surprise that I have a severe aversion to pain. I've ranted on the subject on several occasions and even have a dedicated tag to link all "pain" postings. Whether it be a bone marrow biopsy or neupogen-associated pain... I hate the pain, and will write about it.
     So, you didn't actually think that was the final word on Fentanyl/mouth pain, did ya? Well, the mouth pain is only getting worse, and the Fentanyl and it's requirements are getting quite absurd.

For example:
     They hook you up to a pulse/SPO2 (Respiration Oxygen?) monitor as a requirement for anyone on PCA (Patient Controlled Analgesics). This is annoying for all the standard reasons:
       1:If you want to go to the bathroom or anything, you have to turn the machine off, then unplug your probe lead (which is tricky in the dark). Multiply this act for every time you need to go to the bathroom/brush teeth/use sink/relocate... and you'll find that you spend quite a lot of time doing this.
       2:You have to wear the darn probe indefinitely -- removal destroys the probe. So, one of your left fingers will be made useless -- and especially now, I need *all* my fingers (tricky catheter de-occlusion maneuvers, applying lotion, typing).

     But these are just problems of convenience -- the real difficulty lies in the SP (Saturation Percentage) reading for your Oxygen (O2) levels. If, for any reason, the machine thinks that this level is lower than 87, it beeps LOUDLY! This makes sense, as large doses of Fentanyl can cause a decrease in respiration. However, there are a couple of problems with the SP02 reading:
       1: A wet or sweaty probe causes drastic reductions in the measured SP02 level (Alarm goes off). This means that you cannot wash your left hand...ever? Ok, so you've figured out how to wash everything *but* the finger with a clever use of a ziploc bag or something... but then, how does one take a shower without it getting wet? Then there's the sweats -- maybe my fingers sweat while in a plastic probe?
       2: A loose probe connection ALWAYS causes a reduction in SP02. Remember how one has to wear the probe non-stop 24/7? Well, if any one of a million actions during that time causes the little red light to become misaligned... be prepared for many alarms.
       3: Sleeping on one's side causes a reduction in SP02 (for some reason) -- in order to get any sleep during the night, be prepared to learn how to sleep on your back.
       4: Random machine weirdness. You could be sitting up, typing away on your computer, no Fentanyl delivered for an hour... and the SP02 alarm goes off. Or it says your pulse is 230 and people come rushing in.

     So, where's the conspiracy theory? Well, it's not actually a conspiracy -- I don't think there's a consortium of nurses plotting to prove that the amount of pain I experience does not justify the amount of Fentanyl I use.
     I do, however, seem to experience a lack of concern about forced sleeping positions, noisy machines, or the accuracy of the current SP02 reading. The answer to all these problems seems to be the implied: "Well, just take less Fentanyl and you'll be fine."
     In honestly think there are nurses here who believe I am taking more Fentanyl than I need, and am currently over-medicated on it. Nevermind the fact that I wake up at 7 and approach the day bright-eyed and bushy tailed... I even skip my afternoon nap so that I can get better sleep at night. The nap, being tired... these things are perfectly normal for a cancer patient undergoing BMT, but nevertheless, I feel like I need to demonstrate my clarity of thought. I also don't have dizzy spells or other things associated with too much Fentanyl.
     Still, there have been times where the pain was great and I repeatedly took extra Fentanyl... I'm sure I was a bit drowsy then... but nothing dangerous!


     Enough of my rant. I just finished typing it when my two doctors showed up...
     Doctor: "So how has your pain management been doing?"
     Me: "Not so well -- I haven't been clicking the relief button because this darn machine gives inaccurate readings, and taking extra Fentanyl doesn't help things. For example, I can't click at all if I want to sleep on my side -- I need to get to sleep. So I usually just work through the pain; plus, I feel that some of the nurses don't want me clicking... maybe because my dose is too high, or that it's dangerous or something."
     (Both Doctors) "No, no, no, no, no."
     (First Doctor) "Take the Fentanyl -- that's what it's there for. The nurses should be checking the machine's accuracy routinely... there's this bar that goes up and down with your pulse... [forget details] Plus, there's always a doctor on call -- tell the nurses to contact the doctor if they have an issue with your SPO2. I'll be on call tonight if anything comes up.
     Me: "Ok, thanks. So, just to be sure, it's OK if I click repeatedly if I have pain?"
     Doctor: "If you have pain; take the Fentanyl."

     Then they went on to discuss other parts of my health.

     So... GREAT! I feel so liberated! This has been a huge weight on my shoulders: pain on one side/upsetting nurses on the other (though I'm sure with some nurses it's all in my head; some are more explicit though).
     As originally planned, I'm going to click when I feel pain! It's so simple! *duh* Stupid Austin: Don't let others push you around.

     On another note, Barbara mentioned how I haven't been posting my counts -- I'll try to start doing that. She seemed pleased that my WBC went from 0.1 to 0.6 (on Friday)... well, my WBC taken yesterday was 0.1.
     I'm told that I'm not recovering yet; that it's still a good 5-9 days or so before I start to recover.


Veronica said...

PHEW!!! When I went on my work trip to Ireland on Thursday, I had just read about your diagnosis of your stomach virus.........I wasn't sure what state you would be in on my return today. I'm SO happy to see that things are progressing well. I am sorry that you are having to endure the hell that is mucositis, but glad that finally you will be able to make it more bearable by clicking away - guilt free!!

One day at a time,'re getting there :)...........Vx

Anonymous said...

Clickity click click click!

Vindicated at last! I am pain-adverse as well. You know those pain charts with the sad, red face?

Could they use your big toe instead of your finger for the SP02? I've seen it done before, but I'm not sure if that would be better or worse for you.

Another 5 - 9 more days until you start to recover? Well, let's hope it's closer to 5 than 9. Either way, you are making progress and that's fantastic! Before you know it, they will spring you free.

Anonymous said...

Hey Austin, It's TJ again.

I was kinda wondering what you though of that web-comic I showed you.

If you thought it was any good, here's one that you'll probably like even more.

It has math jokes that are actually funny!

On a side note, things are doing alright here in the east. I've started learning more, harder Final Fantasy songs on the piano. Dad and I are watching just as many movies as we always do (1-2 daily). And Adam? He's still doing that whole "Downloading Thing". I know you do it too, but it's a lot more fun to argue with him about it than it would be with you.

Whelp, I just wanted to post to tell you how we're doing and to tell you we all still read your blog and still think about you.

Tell mom I said Hi!