Monday, September 29, 2008

[9-29-08] Transfusion

     Tomorrow I get my first transfusion -- how exciting is that?? The concept is appalling! I mean, someone else's blood is going to be put into my heart. That's pretty, uh, intimate, or something...

     Well, whoever it was, I appreciate it... even if they only donated blood for a few bucks. Plus, consider the blood type: O negative rocks!! Universal donors: that's some valuable blood there. Of course, it's worst to be on the receiving end of that equation, but it is cool nonetheless.

     The strange part is how comfortable, in comparison, I am with chemotherapy. Chemo is a chemical, that means it's "clean" by definition, right? Plus, it's usually clear. On the other hand, blood just seems so dirty. Whoe knows where that's been! Plus, it looks like it's clogging up the IV line... all dark and whatnot, blood stains are hard to get out!

     ...of course, I'd rather a blood stain than spilling chemo on myself. That stuff can be vicious.


Jessie O said...

Blood transfusions are amazing. I was grossed out the first time as well, but life with a crit of 24 is no fun and stranger-blood makes it so much better! Also, I have come to love my Hickman after 8+ months together... I've endured only 2 needle sticks since having it placed. I think it took about 3-4 months to heal completely and stop scabbing though. That being said, I cannot WAIT for them to pull this thing out of my chest in the next few weeks.

Anonymous said...

Oddly enough I can understand why the blood freaks you out more than chemo. Sorry, I'm A- or I'd give you mine (at least you'd know where it came from! Vikki

Veronica said...

Hope your transfusion has made you feel as great as Wullie felt after his first one - he couldn't believe the difference in his energy levels........Vx

Austin said...

Only two needle sticks? Wow, Jessie -- I've been stuck like 14 times since my catheter has been placed 14 days ago. And when I get labs drawn locally, the lab technicians are: "Oh, we can't use the catheter, only nurses can do that."


Austin said...

Well, I'm getting acclimated to the transfusions. It's not as bad as I thought. Plus, the fact that they mix saline with the blood somehow makes it better.

It took two units, Veronica, but I'm feeling the benefits. Very nice. I want more. :P

Oleswife said...

You make it sound so good maybe I should get one!?!