Saturday, September 27, 2008

[9-27-08] Feeling Better

     Woot! I'm feeling much better! Well, at least in two truly annoying aspects. First, I don't seem to have any nausea anymore. Second, my stomach seems to be conceding... in that I am being allowed to store things there.

     I know it's a gross subject, but I had to clarify this to Barbara on several occasions, so I thought I'd mention it here. Nausea can lead to vomoting, but vomiting does not necessarily need to be preceded by nausea. It can just happen. Spontaneously the stomach could reject something, and, well, there ya go.

     Anyhow, while my stomach isn't "steel" at the moment, it is at least stable. Which is quite nice.

     Still, I *am* ridiculously anemic at the moment... laughably so. Walking across the boat leaves my panting. I wonder what my hemoglobin is... I want my score recorded. :P

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