Friday, September 5, 2008

[9-05-08] Lithium

     Good news! My doctor did perform cytogenetics on my bone marrow biopsy! That means that I do not have to be subjected to another! Also, Liz is going to pick up my Pet/CT CD, so I won't have to drive to Berkeley the day of my Stanford appointment! Thanks Liz!
     Ah, everything seems to be working out. It's a good feeling.
     Feeling a little better than yesterday too. :)

     You know, for some reason I've had that Nirvana song (Lithium) stuck in my head. Then I started thinking about 6th/7th grade... it's funny how Nirvana always does that. Around then, I had just moved to Kentucky from California, so everyone, for some reason, considered me "grunge" though I hadn't a clue what it actually meant. Nevertheless, I soon found myself occasionally wearing flannel and holding mixtapes of essential Nirvana songs.
     Then I started thinking about that kid that was me. I wonder what he would say about my current situation. If he would get angry and blame me, or break down and cry. I was such a kid, then.

     Just some thoughts...


Oleswife said...

My experience is that he would get angry that it wasn't fair and blame me or God!

Austin said...

Yeah, what a brat I was...

Liz said...

That is *excellent* news. :) (About the biopsy, I mean. Not about you being a brat. Trying to picture that ... !)

Adva Ahava said...

Yay! No bone marrow biopsy!!!!

And yeah...I can't really imagine you moving to KY, being 12 or 13, and listening to Nirvana. Though...I don't know if I could have imagined this when it was my first year of college and we were up all night studying either.

Veronica said...

Wow - Christmas has come early, young BMB, you 'lucky' sod!! Wullie would have been on SUCH a high if that had happened to him! As it was the didn't tell him he was having one until he was in his isolation room in hospital - no escape!!

And way to make me feel old!! Nirvana always makes me think of dodgy nightclubs in France when I was 18!!..........xx

Austin said...

All I can say is... woot!

Anonymous said...

Ahh... Austin in flannel...

I really wish I could remember that better.

I mean, what are brothers for if not for poking fun at embarassing memories?

And congrats on the Bone Marrow thing. It's always nice to find out you don't need to do something you wanted to be through already.