Monday, December 22, 2008

[12-22-08] Christmas

     I saw my family on Saturday... it was nice. I kinda surprised myself: I wasn't nervous in the slightest. I've gotten so entirely used to my bald head, my diagnosis, prognosis, and all that... that I'm totally comfortable with it, even if others are not.
     Regardless, everyone was real friendly and it was nice to see familiar faces.

     Now, in just a few days, I get to see some new faces in Michigan! I'm totally looking forward to it! My greatest fear is the cold -- I'm such a California wimp when it comes to cold weather. In fact, before the BMT I know I was more resistant to the cold. Or am I paranoid?
     It just seems that everything changes after the BMT... mentally and physically. No wonder they call it being re-born.

     Happy Holidays!


Veronica said...

Enjoy! Enjoy! and when you're done enjoying, Enjoy!!

And there ain't nothing wrong with cold weather - good for the soul!! When you live in Scotland you realise that sun is over-rated :0P

Merry, Merry Christmas you warrior, you!..........Vx

Skymist said...

Oh no, I should have given you a plush warm coat for Christmas before you left! Hope you took some warm clothing. If you find you must buy a coat there, by all means get the nicest one you can find, and I will gladly reimburse you for it. Don't forget gloves too.

It was great seeing your new house on Sunday. It is cozy and has the character of long occupancy by interesting people. You and Liz are among them!

The light of day revealed part of your drum set in my Mini though, so you won't be able to put it all together yet. Sorry. It was dark and rainy and easily missed.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Austin - I love your persistence, and that's what keeps you strong. Papa wasn't supposed to fly but took many flights we thoroughly enjoyed. I know this is an important milestone for you and I hope you enjoy it all. Have a blessed Christmas and PLEASE, let me know when you need a ride or anything,OK? Love U, Nana

Anonymous said...

And it was great to see you Austin! I was amazed at the amount of energy you had -- all the little ones were bouncing off YOUR energy and running you ragged. But you kept smiling.

As for the cold resistance thing . . . I hate to break this to you, but you have SUBSTANTIALLY less hair than you used to . . especially on your HEAD! (I can't believe noone told you this already, sheesh!) And a great deal of heat escapes through the top of your head. We always tell our campers to wear a knit hat to bed so they'll keep warm. So I do suspect that there is a correlation.

The good news is that it WILL grow back and you'll be warm again. In the meantime, bundle up!

Have a great trip!


Tante Laurie