Thursday, July 31, 2008

[7-31-08] Evening Report

     My Liz just came over and kept me company. What a wonderful person she is (true, the McDonalds helped :P). Anyhow, I'm just constantly amazed with all the support I've received from you all -- it really makes me feel that I'm loved and not alone. So here's to you all!
     I'm just about to start the second part of my chemo. Hopefully, this'll go better than the first. Now that the nausea is gone, I just find myself sleepy -- maybe a side effect of anti-nausea meds? Or because my red blood count is below nominal?

     You know, in retrospect, the chaplain visiting kind of spooked me a bit. I mean, if you break your leg in the hospital, do you get a chaplain? They are there to address the "spiritual needs" of the patients. If you're obviously going to live, you aren't in a spiritual crisis. So, why do I get a chaplain? Spooky.

[Watching: Hancock]


Anonymous said...

From experience I can tell you that the chaplin comes and visits everyone that will be staying more than a few days at the hospital. Papa was a chaplin at Kaiser or the VA hospital. Just imagine it is him sitting there, or tell the chaplin you could play chess. There job is to encourage everyone that wants it in whatever way they want it. Also, there are a lot of people who don't get visiters or very few and really appreciated seeing someone without a needle or pill!

Love you,


Anonymous said...

whoops it is getting late here and my spealling is going wacky. There should be their!

Ole just finished playing me a bunch of Dr. Mario games (I usually win HA!!!

Love, Mom

Austin said...

Dr. Mario...that's old-school

(hums theme song)

Ok, that's good to know about the chaplain. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Hey man, it's TJ. Mom told me about your blog and I think it's pretty cool.

That being said, I can't believe you named one of your posts "ICE ICE Baby!" For shaaamme...

S'been a while since I talked to you, hasn't it? Well, I'll keep checking here and keep up with it. Mom says she might come out there soon, and I'll see if I can guilt her into letting me tag along (You know, that whole "Not seeing everyone" bit)

Whelp, here's hoping you feel better.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, Liz is pretty great, I am so glad she and Barbara are visiting you tonight. Dan will drop by tomorrow afternoon after his appointment in Oakland. The girls and I may come too, I will let you know. Keep up the posts, reading up on what is going on keeps me from hassling you by phone 4-5 times a day.

Austin said...

Yay! Dan's coming -- awesome!

I'll keep up the blog for sure, it really helps.

Adva Ahava said...

Don't chaplains just make regular hospital rounds?

I agree on the blog :-) It's good in a lot of ways. I hope it's been a good venting space for you too.