Wednesday, July 30, 2008

[7-30-08] ICE, ICE, Baby!

     I still need to outline the current plan.

     There will be 2 to 4 cycles of ICE treatment, each time requiring 4 days of hospitalization. Based on how I handle the first cycle, the interval between cycles will be determined: 2 weeks, or 3 weeks. After two cycles, my progress will be determined with a pet-CT scan. If scans are clean, then I will start the BMT at Stanford. Otherwise (provided that there is at least some progress), ICE treatment will continue for 2 more cycles. When it is time for the Stanford BMT, I'll be in-patient for about a month (due to whopping dose of chemo and no white blood cells). Then I'm cured, and I can proceed to celebrate.

     Today is Christmas. In that I was really looking forward to getting started, and moving forward. I mean, this is basically the first day of my new life, you know? How things go today will indicate how things will be for the next few months. That's a pretty big deal.
     Will I handle the chemo well? Will I have a good time in the hospital? Will it be like a little vacation? I wonder all of these things. Today, I will be able to add the first data point. From that, I can begin to extrapolate all sorts of crazy predictions... but, before I can do that, I need at lease one data point. That is today.

     So far, it's been pretty anti-climactic. In a way, I expected all sorts of rush and activity when I arrived, but it quickly got pretty calm.

Ooh, the ICE-machine is here..

     Just got through with the MUGA (pronounced: "muh-ga") scan. Apparently, they need to make sure my heart can handle the chemo. It's pretty much the same as the MRI, CT scan, and pet-CT scan, in that you enter some white tunnel-type thing and hold your arms over your head until they turn blue. The machine here at Sutter is way cooler than any I have seen -- there's this beautiful back-lit photograph of several cherry blossom trees in bloom. Very nice.
     I have a CT scan and some sort of lung test remaining. However, the doctor told me that we are proceeding with chemo despite the fact that I still have tests remaining -- better to not delay the scheduled chemo. Right now I'm on IV hydration in preparation for the chemo. Apparently, I need to have lots of fluids for ICE: there's the threat of hemorrhagic cystitis with symptoms mimicking that of a urinary tract infection. Bleeing Pud. Eww
     Anyhow, ifosfamide ETA: 2 hours. I missed chemo :P

     Yahoooo! I'm SO hungry, but Liz is coming with TACO BELL!!! I am so stoked right now. Mmmmmm fooooood. It is christmas!


Liz said...

Thanks ever so much for getting that song stuck in my head, dude. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey Austin,
I like your blog.
What does it mean exactly "clean petscans"?
Also, have the dr's told you no alcohol? I figure a little won't hurt me. :) But they really "prefer" no alcohol for cancer patients. I'm not sure why. I can understand maybe why no excess but... everything in moderation, right?
Tante Theresa

Austin said...

ooooh! comments, comments! Yay!

As far as I understand, clean scans = no evidence of disease.

As for the alcohol, Stanford wants me to not drink for 6 months after my BMT. Craziness. For my regimen now, I'm pretty paranoid of bladder problems, so I think it's a good idea not to contribute to them with alcohol.

Speaking of which, I made darn sure celebrate my remaining days of freedom :P