Tuesday, February 5, 2008

[2-5-08] Santa Cruz

     I went to Santa Cruz a couple of days ago -- we lived it up! It took a couple-few-twelve beers to tell my family, but the news was broken. There was distress -- I felt bad. However, there was much comfort, and I felt immeasurably better. Needless to say, I continued to get drunk.

     I just got the bone marrow biopsy done. They extracted a bone sample and marrow from my hip. It felt weird, like a shock down my legs. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it still totally sucked.

     You know, I did some research today. It seems that my symptoms indicate either Hodgkin's (which has a great cure rate), or non-Hodgkin's (which has a 50-70% cure rate). That's pretty good, you know? I'm not doomed.
     Mom said non-Hodgkin's was incurable... pa-shaw! I was talking with my family about having a Hodgkin's party if that was the diagnosis... strange as it seems.

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