Tuesday, January 20, 2009

[1-20-09] Day One

     The results are in: my scans are clean. Well, as clean as we can detect, anyway. My doctor tells me that "The fire is out, but we can't be sure that there aren't any hot embers just waiting for a gust of wind to flare up. That's what the radiation is for... those embers that might be lurking."

     But, as of now, I've done all that is required in hopes of a cure. My doctor tells me that if a relapse occurs at any point, then the strategy is no longer curative. The options become more scarce.
     But right now, I am in remission. My doctor tells me that, if I stay in remission for 5 years, he will pronounce me statistically cured. Basically, I have 1779 days left until I am free from the threat. The other milestone along the way is after two years of remission -- most Hodgkin's that do relapse, do so in that period. Today is day one.

     It's also the first day of school for me. It's hard for me to return... again. All those emotions and ambitions returning... Time to succeed.

     I also saw the radiation oncologist a few days ago. I have the "set up" scan scheduled in a few days. Then daily radiation for four weeks. It will probably start about a month from now.

     Funny how "Day One" is 9 days short of my cancer discovery. 1779 to go.

     As of now, my blog is scheduled to be updated "whenever I have something to talk about."

     Philosopher of the day: Epicurus (He's not what you think).